I’m Back!!

Sorry I have been away

Ashley Madness
2 min readNov 14, 2022
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The past few months have been nothing but one thing after another. From people I thought were friends, to work, to family emergencies, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Because of this, my mind has been in a bit of a messy state. I have had multiple ideas and have not written them down as fast as I should have, so I forgot a vast majority of them.

I am trying to get to my laptop a lot more from now on. All the problems that have been popping up have taken me away from writing, which is what I really enjoy doing.

When the algorithm changed, I stopped making money and that was kind of discouraging in its own right. When the problems in my personal life began, I fell into a weird depression state that I was really hoping that I would never fall into again. Falling back into that, intensified the entire feeling and it was basically downhill from there.

My brain was fried and lost. I had a bunch of little conversations with myself.

I really need to start writing again…What’s the point?…Well, I don’t have time anyway because I need to make a hospital run…Time for work…The kids are sick…I’m sick…I need to clean the house…I need to clean my aunts place…Kids play date time…house needs food…kids need meds…mom needs a ride…dad needs a ride…need to fix my brothers car.

A catch 22 if you will

From now on, I am going to try to get back into my passion of writing and getting back to the me that I want to be.

Thank you for reading and following and adding my stories to your personal reading lists. It truly means the world to me when I get that kind of notification to brighten my day.



Ashley Madness

Full time mom with a full time job while raising two girls and a fully grown man child. I would love to make writing a career.